Monday, June 14, 2010

Jesse Boy

The spring is birthday season in our home. We begin, in April, with Jesse's birthday, followed by Karis in May. Silas wraps things up in June. I had every intention to write something about each child when their birthday approached, but it didn't happen. So, now that we are finished with the birthday season, I thought I would reflect back. Better late than never, right?

Jesse. If there was ever a child that produced sanctification in a parent, it would be Jesse. I am just now beginning to understand and appreciate the spirited personality of our first born (and he plays that role to a tee!). Here are some things I love about Jesse:

He is a leader:
Always rounding up the nearest kids and organizing some sort of activity-
I am seeing camp counselor, CEO, pastor in his future!
He loves to be with people:
Asking every five minutes (no exaggeration!) if he can have a friend over-
One reason homeschooling did not work out for us!
He loves nature and science:
Exploring, investigating, asking questions-
He loves to know how and why things work!
He is intense:
He does everything full throttle (and has a hard time "turning off")-
enthusiastic, exhausting, inspiring.
He is creative:
Always creating- legos, pictures, books, games-
It is not unusual to find the kids who are over to play marching around in costume!
He is observant:
He can spot a bird, plane, train from a mile a way-
and he stops to enjoy it (and tries to get others to enjoy it with him!).
It has been a tough year for our boy (and us) as we have tried to learn the best way to love and care for him and his unique personality. But I think we are getting there. He is such a great kid and I am so grateful for him. I am excited to see how God will use him in the years to come!

1 comment:

Magpie Designz said...

great summary of our jesse boy :)

(my word verification is 'contheal'. weird.)