Thursday, April 28, 2011


I thought I might give an update on Jesse, for those who are following the situation!

I called the insurance company a few weeks ago, after being pre-approved for one hour of testing (out of the 15 hours that were requested).  What we figured out was that the testing the psychologist that we were working with requested was a very specific and thorough test, probably a lot more than we needed.  So, I got the names of a few other psychologists in network and thought I would try a different route.  I called a name that came recommended and he picked up the phone right away.  He told me that the testing he did was more of the standard testing and that start to finish would only cost $400, compared to the $3000 the other testing would cost.  And he just so happened to have an opening, the next day.  Jesse and I went for the initial visit and I am so glad that he was with me.  I don't think that the psychologist needed to do any formal testing after sitting in an office with Jesse for an hour (ADHD in the flesh!) and after I read off my two page sheet of concerns.  But we left with a bunch of questionnaires to fill out and for his teacher to fill out as well.  I turned them into him yesterday and we meet again on Monday to discuss the results an his recommendations.  Phew!  I feel like we are in good hands and that things are moving forward (and it looks like insurance will pay for most, if not all of the testing). 

Thanks you to everyone who has been praying for us.  I am even more convinced of God's goodness and care for us through this whole ordeal, even when it seemed like doors were closing.  I will keep the updates coming!

1 comment:

5th Belle Avenue said...

PTL!!!! My heart is happy over this news!